
Fresh Pasta
The beauty of making your own pasta is that you can flavor it with all sorts of additions. Throw in whatever you have around, whatever will compliment your meal or whatever you want to sneak into your kids' diets. 

Here's a pasta tale from a rainy day in Arkansas.

This is a fairly simple soup to throw together and can be modified according to what you have available in your kitchen. Kale, bacon, onions, beans and soup stock make a hearty soup to warm a stormy winter day. 

What to do with a rumbling belly and a cast-iron skillet full of all sorts of pork drippings? The logical answer seemed to be cornbread.

January 31st, 2013,
contributed by Rebecca

Cookies for Breakfast

A cousin of the monster cookie (pictured here), this recipe is a combination of some of my favorite breakfast items - especially molasses and peanut butter. As a bonus, it features many of the local ingredients in my kitchen.

January 29, 2013, contributed by Rebecca

An Army of PB & Chocolate                                 

Here are two of my holiday favorites recorded here just as they appear on the handwritten recipe cards from my mother.

December 2012, contributed by Rebecca

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